The World Aids Day is marked every December 1 across the world. The theme of this year is “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impact.” Most countries are struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic which according to UNAIDS boss Winnie Byanyima is threatening the progress the world has made in health and development over the past years including gains made against HIV. As the world unites in calls for more strength to beat the colliding epidemics of HIV and Covid-19, let’s not forget about women who are living positive and have chosen the breastfeeding route. It should be noted that if you choose to breastfeed, it is important to continue with HIV treatment and maintain an undetectable viral load throughout according to health experts.
Below is some information from Avert Organisation ( about breastfeeding and HIV.
Guidelines on breastfeeding
Breastmilk contains HIV. However, guidelines on whether or not to breastfeed vary depending on what resources are available to you.
If you do breastfeed, you must always take your treatment and exclusively breastfeed (give breastmilk only) for at least six months. Mixing breastmilk and other foods before this time increases your baby’s risk of HIV. You can mix-feed your baby after six months.
As every person’s situation is different, it is best to talk to a healthcare professional to get specific advice.
Does my baby have HIV?
Your baby should be tested for HIV at birth, and again four to six weeks later.
If the result comes back negative, your baby should be tested again at 18 months and/or when you have finished breastfeeding to find out your baby’s final HIV status. It is very important to take your baby for this final HIV test to ensure they are HIV-negative or to get them on treatment if they are positive.
If any of these tests come back positive, your baby will need to start treatment straight away. Talk to your healthcare professional, and attend follow-up appointments to ensure your baby receives treatment.
Additional information from Avert
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This is good