Put the baby to your breast within the first hour of birth. Good attachment helps the baby suckles well. Good attachment helps you to produce a good supply of breast milk. Good attachment helps to prevent sore and cracked nipples.
To make sure your baby is attached well:
• Touch baby’s lips with your nipple.
• Wait until your baby’s mouth opens wide.
• Quickly bring onto your breast from below, aiming your nipple up towards the roof of the baby’s mouth.
• Baby should take a big mouthful of breast.
The 4 signs of good attachment are:
- Baby’s mouth is wide open.
- You can see more of the darker skin (areola) above the baby’s mouth than below.
- Baby’s lower lip is turned outwards.
- Baby’s chin is touching your breast. Your baby should take slow deep sucks
while breastfeeding, sometimes pausing.
Breastfeed your baby on demand, both day and night, at least 8 to 12 times each day.
Frequent feeding will help your body to produce breast milk.
Continue to feed until your baby finishes the breast and comes off on his or her own. Offer the other breast and let your baby decide if he or she wants more or not.
You will know if your baby is taking enough breast milk if he or she passes light-coloured urine at least 6 times a day and is gaining weight.
Source: Unicef